Watch it happen and then marvel at his reaction in this video posted by TikTok user @dashcamofficials. Note that there is some mature language being used as anger boils over.


“Yep, sounds like insurance fraud,” writes a reader. “Like the cop wasn’t watching him roll backwards,” says another. This user makes a really good point: “So lucky he had camera.” “Dude needed money for a newer Corvette,” writes a viewer of the video. “Bruh, he was backing up so slow,” points out a commenter. “What is he gonna claim from insurance, a dust particle on his bumper?” “I wonder how he got that Corvette,” surmises a video watcher. This user offers some advice: “Don’t tell them you have a camera. Let him lie to the police. Then tell the police. Now they’ve tacked on another crime to the list.” “Proof we all need these cameras these days,” summarizes a reader who wraps it all up in eight words. We post videos such as these as part of our coverage because we hope there are specific behaviors drivers can learn and implement to help make our roads safer for all of us. Recommended For You

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