In the end, you will get an idea about all three frameworks and languages, and you will be able to select which one to use for IoT app development. In this article, we will compare the advantages and disadvantages of Node.js, Ruby, and Python. Let’s get started with Node.js advantages and disadvantages.
What Is Node.js?
Node.js is an open-source back-end JavaScript runtime environment. Node.js is cross-platform, and it runs on a v8 engine. It executes the codes of JavaScript outside the web browser. Node.js built on JavaScript runtime makes it easy to build apps fast and for scalable network apps. Node.js has a ‘’non-blocking i/o’’ model that makes it lightweight and perfect for data-hungry real-time apps. Node.js is used to build dynamic page content, server-side file editing, collecting data, and modifying the database. Node.js supports both the front end and back end.
Node.js Advantages
Real-time applications get high-performance. Modern apps are easier to extend and scalable. With full-stack Javascript, it saves money. Good community support. App response time improved. Time to market time reduced. Supports customized requirements. Quick caching saves time. Supports in developing cross-platform apps. Secure authentication.
Node.js Disadvantages
While handling heavy apps, it reduces performance. Node.js needs lots of code because of unstable API. Node.js programming model is difficult. Few experienced developers. Lack of library support.
Now, let’s learn about RUBY and its advantages and disadvantages.
What Is Ruby?
Ruby is an open-source and dynamic programming language. It is simple to use, and it has high productivity. Ruby was developed in 1995 by Yukihiro Matsumoto. RUBY is currently widely used on websites like Airbnb, Hulu, and Github. Ruby is a very easy-to-learn programming language, so it is widely used.
Ruby Advantages
Saves time and reduces code size by using the metaprogramming technique. Supports multi-platform. Everything you can see here as an object. Faster development cycle. It is an accurate and friendly language. Excellent community.
Ruby Disadvantages
Ruby is slow compared to other languages but faster than Python. Ruby uses more memory. Not appropriate for the memory-intensive process.
Now, let’s learn about Python and its advantages and disadvantages.
What Is Python?
Python Advantages
Easy to read, write and learn. Interpret language. Improved productivity. Open source and free. Widely supported libraries. Portable.
Python Disadvantages
Slow speed, slow execution. Consumes lots of memory. Weak and slow processing power for mobile computing. Runtime errors.
If you have gone through all of the advantages and disadvantages, you should know what to use for IoT application development. If you still have little idea which one to choose, you will get more ideas after reading the paragraphs below.
Why Choose Node.js for IoT Application Development?
Node.js is fast and performance-oriented. It is built on a v8 engine which is very effective and scalable. Node.js is more suitable to integrate with IoT protocols. It supports MQTT and WebSockets, so it is more convenient to use in IoT apps. Hence they use the publish-subscribe-based messaging protocol. Node.js has a lot of features that are useful for IoT apps. For example, there are 80 packages for intel IoT Edison, Arduino, and Raspberry. There are other 30 packages for sensors, beacons, and other tools. Node.js is more efficient and scalable than other frameworks. Here CPU and RAM are not overloaded. That’s why it’s primarily used in modern companies.
Why Choose Python for IoT Application Development?
It is an easy-to-learn language that allows for faster development of the application. Easy to learn capability makes it easy to build IoT components. Python supports the latest programming trends, so it is a well-developed language to develop IoT apps. Python allows and makes it easy to read other people’s code. It helps to understand long-written code. Python supports all the most used operating systems like Windows, Linux, macOS, and also Arduino. So, it will be easier for the deployment of apps to other machines. Python allows testing a single piece of code even after compilation, making Python win the race for IoT app development.
Why Choose Ruby for IoT Application Development?
Ruby is object-oriented and a general-purpose language. A beginner in programming can also understand Ruby. So, if you are developing an IoT app on Ruby, then it is moderately easier than others. But for the IoT app development, it is cost-effective in some projects. Ruby is the more straightforward language. That’s why developers can build apps fast on Ruby. In some complex IoT app development, Ruby provides some extensive support. For some IoT projects, apps scaled quickly.
Frameworks and languages need to support the latest programming trends to develop the newest IoT apps, and here, Python and Node.js support very well trends. Not only that but Python and Node.js have a good and large helpful community for helping each other in problems. Python Vs. Node.js, selecting one from these two is very hard. But After you complete reading the above advantages and disadvantages, you will surely know which one to choose. It is also possible that Python sometimes works better for a particular IoT project than Node.JS and vice versa.
Choosing the Best IoT Method
The frameworks and languages need to support a method for better features and good compatibility to match the latest programming trends. Here the race is mainly between Python and Node.js. Both frameworks are competitive in their different capabilities, and both are great for their performance. It is excellent to select one which is suitable for your project. Python may work great for a particular project, and sometimes Node.js works better for some specific projects. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.